31 C.E.
March/April Yeshua is crucified and raises from the dead after 3 days. A18.63
34 C.E.
Paul's conversion on Damascus road Acts 9:3
Paul leaves to spend 3 years in Arabia Acts 9:19; Gal. 1:12-17
36 C.E.
Pilate loses his position for incompetence. Ant. 18.4.2 89
Paul meets with Peter in Jerusalem Acts 9:26-30
37 C.E.
Paul returns to Damascus. Plot formed against him and he Acts 9:20-25
escapes over a wall in a basket. II Corin. 11:32, 33
Peter's second missionary journey from Jerusalem through Acts 9:32 - 11:2
Lydda and Joppa to Caesarea and return.
March 16 Emperor Tiberius dies at Misenum Ant. 18.6.10 224
March 16 Caligula becomes emperor. Senate invests him with sole Ant. 18.6.10 224
power; hailed imperator.
September Caligula falls seriously ill.
October Caligula does recover, but has severe mental disorder.
December 15 Nero is born.
38 C.E.
June 10 Caligula's sister, Drusilla, dies and is deified by senate.
39 C.E.
Herod Antipas is exiled. Ant. 18.7.2 252
40 C.E.
Caligula assumes the role and trappings of a god; builds a Ant. 18.7.2 256
temple to himself on the Palantine; whispers confidences
with statue of Jupiter Capitolinus.
Caligula orders a statue of himself to be placed in the Ant. 18.8.2 261
Temple in Jerusalem.
41 C.E.
Cornelius becomes first Gentile convert to church Acts 10
Herod Agrippa, grandson of Herod the Great,
rules Judea; kills James the brother of John. Acts 12:2
Herod Agrippa imprisons Peter Acts 12:3
Philosopher Seneca is banished into exile to Corsica.
January 24 Caligula is assissinated by Praeotrrian Guard, along with
his wife and daughter.
January 24 Claudius becomes emperor.
February Emperor Claudius issues edict giving Jews full rights and Ant. 18.5.2 278-91
privileges as Roman citizens.
42 C.E.
Believers first called "Christians" at Antioch. Acts 11:22
43 C.E.
Agabus prophesies "world wide" famine. Acts 11:28-30
Claudius conquest of Britian begins
44 C.E.
Herod Agrippa is killed by an "angel of the Lord." Acts 12:23
Judea is annexed as Roman province after death of Herod Agrippa.
Theudas, a false prophet, persuades many Jews to follow Ant. 20.5.1
him into the wilderness where he claimed he would divide
the Jordan for their escape. Romans cut his head off.
45 C.E.
First missionary journey of Paul's begins at Antioch. Lasts Acts 13:1 - 14:26
for three years with Barnabas.
48 C.E.
20,000 Jews were trampled to death at Passover riot started Ant. 20.5.2 108
by a Roman soldier. The "Antiquities" account says he War 2.12.1 224
uncovered his genitals and showed them to the crowed.
The "Wars" account says he uncovered his backside and
broke wind.
49 C.E.
Seneca is pardoned through Agrippina's influence; returns
to Rome and becomes Nero's tutor.
Nero's mother, Agrippina, marries Emperor Claudius.
Claudius issues edict expelling all Jews from Rome. Acts 18:2
50 C.E.
The "Jerusalem Conference" convenes. Acts 15:1-29
Peter's third missionary journey. Acts 15:1-14
Paul and Barnabas return to Antioch, but split over a dispute Acts 15:30, 36-40
over John Mark.
Paul's second missionary journey begins at Antioch. With Acts 15:36 - 18:22
Peter comes to Rome.
Emperor Claudius adopts L. Domitius Ahenobarbus,
Agrippinas' son, who takes the name of Nero.
51 C.E.
Nero named heir-apparent by Emperor Claudius.
October 24 Titus is born.
52 C.E.
Paul writes the Book of First Thessalonians Acts 18:1, 11
53 C.E.
Nero marries Octavia.
54 C.E.
Paul's third missionary journey begins at Antioch Acts 18:23 - 21:17
Paul writes First Corinthians from Ephesus
October 13 Emperor Claudius dies after being poisoned by his wife.
October 13 Edict exiling Jews from Rome repealed
October 13 Nero becomes emperor.
55 C.E.
Paul writes Second Corinthians from Macedonia Acts 20:1, 3
An Egyptian false prophet deluded about 400 people into Ant. 20.8.6 169-72,
thinking he could make the walls of the city fall down and note #4
they would capture the city. Felix prevented it from War 2.13.5 261-63
happening. The Egyptian escaped.
57 C.E.
Paul writes his letter to the Galatians either from Ephesus
or Macedonia.
58 C.E.
Paul writes his letter to the Romans while at Corinth. Acts 20:3
Paul writes Second Thessalonians from Macedonia. Acts 18:5; I Thess. 1:4
Paul is arrested in Jerusalem and sent to Caesarea; spends Acts 21:27-36;
two years in prison. Acts 22:22-29
59 C.E.
Agrippina, Nero's mother, murdered by Nero's soldiers.
60 C.E.
Paul begins voyage to Rome. Acts 27:1, 2
He is shipwrecked for three months on island of Malta Acts 27:39 - 28:10
61 C.E.
Luke writes his Gospel and the Book of Acts.
Paul writes Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon.
Book of Hebrews is written (supposedly by Paul).
62 C.E.
Peter writes his first epistle. I Peter 5:13
Pliny the Younger is born.
James, the brother of Jesus, is executed by the Sadducean Ant. 20.9.1 200
High Priest Ananus
April A star in the form of a sword stood over the city, and a War 6.5.3 289
comet continued for a full year.
April At the ninth hour of night, a great light like day time shone War 6.5.3 290, 91
round about the altar and holy house for half an hour. Revelation 8:1
April A heifer gave birth to a lamb as it was being led by the High War 6.5.3 292
Priest to be sacrificed in the Temple.
April The Nicanor Gate, which took twenty men to open and War 6.5.3 293
close, opened on its own at the sixth hour of the night.
May Before sunset, chariots and troops in full armor were seen War 6.5.3 297-99
running about the clouds of Heaven and surrounding the
cities of Israel.
May On Pentecost, when the priests entered the Temple the War 6.5.3 299, 300
ground shook, there was a great noise and then the voice
of a great multitude saying, "Let us remove from here."
63 C.E.
The Book of Revelation is written sometime prior to the
death of Nero in 68 C.E.
Gospel of Mark is written.
64 C.E.
Work on the Temple complex completed.
Nero made public debut with lyre in Naples. Show stopped
by an earthquake.
Paul writes First Timothy from Macedonia. I Timothy 1:3
Book of Jude is written (64 - 67)
Paul writes Second Timothy (67 - 68).
Paul writes book of Titus from Nicopolis. Titus 3:12
July Great fire breaks out in Rome near Circus Maximus and
damages 10 of Rome's 14 districts.
July Christians blamed by Nero - persecution begins.
65 C.E.
"Prison conspiracy" - a plot against Nero foiled.
66 -- 73 C.E.
66 C.E.
March The "Revolt of Vindex" started.
May The true beginning of the war. War 2.14.4-6 284-96
War 2.17.2 408-10
May Hostilities erupt between Jews and Greeks in Caesarea War 2.14.4-6 280-93
June Florus orders soldiers to plunder Upper Market Place. War 2.14.9 305-307
3,600 Jews killed.
August Daily sacrifices for emperor suspended War 2.17.2 409
August Rebels attack Antonia Fortress War 2.17.7 430
August Seven days of bloody battles in Jerusalem War 2.17.6 425
August Menahem breaks into armory at Masada War 2.17.8 434
August Menahem and followers burn Herod's palace War 2.17.8 440
August Revolutionaries take Masada War 2.17.8 433, 34
August High Priest Ananias and brother Hezekiah killed War 2.17.9 441
August Roman soldiers from Antonia killed War 2.17.10 454
August 20,000 Jews are killed in Caesarea. War 2.18.1 457
August It was common to see cities filled with dead bodies still lying War 2.18.2 465
unburied, and those of old men, mixed with infants, all dead,
and scattered about together; women also lay amongst them
without any covering for their nakedness.
August 2,500 Jews are killed in Askelon War 2.18.5 477
August 2,000 Jews are killed in Ptolemais War 2.18.5 477
August 13,000 Jews killed at Scythopolis War 2.18.3 466
August Civil war breaks out between Jews and Greeks in Alexandria, War 2.18.8 494-97
Egypt, 50,000 Jews are killed.
October Twelfth Legion marches to Ptolemais War 2.18.9 501
October Legions plunder and burn Chabulon in Galilee War 2.18.9 504
October Cestius' legions take Joppa, 8,400 Jews killed. War 2.18.10 508
October 2,000 Jews were killed at a place called Asamon War 2.18.11 511
September Festival of Tabernacles War 2.19.1 515
November Legions pitch camp at Gabaon (Biblical Gibeon) War 2.19.1 516
November Rebels trap Twelfth Legion at Beth-Horon War 2.19.2 517-22
November Cestius attacks Jerusalem, Pitches camp on Mt. Scopus War 2.19.4 527, 28
November Cestius advances on Jerusalem War 2.19.4 528-30
November Cestius undermines city's walls War 2.19.5 537
November Cestius suddenly retreats "for no reason in the world." War 2.19.7 540
November Twelfth Legion destroyed by rebels at Beth-Horon War 2.19.7 541-44
November 10,000 Jews killed at Damascus War 2.20.2 559-61
December The most violent revolutionaries take the name "Zealots." War 2.22.1 651
December Josephus takes command of Galilean forces
67 C.E.
Romans destroy Qumran community after they hid the Dead
Sea Scrolls.
John migrates to Ephesus with Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Peter writes his second epistle. II Timothy 4:6-8
Death of the Apostle Paul
January Nero chooses Vespasian to lead army War 3.1.2 3, 4
January 10,000 Jews killed at Askelon during first attack War 3.2.1 9
February 8,000 Jews killed at Askelon during second attack War 3.2.3 28
May 24 Josephus arrives at Jotapata War 3.7.3 142
May 25 Vespasian and army arrives at Jotapata War 3.7.3 145
June City of Gadara destroyed. All males of age put to death. War 3.7.1 132
June 26 City of Japha falls. 15,000 Jews killed. War 3.7.31 304, 05
June 28 11,600 Samaritans killed at Mount Gerizim. War 3.7.32 315
July 4,200 Jews killed at Joppa when their boats are blown back War 3.9.3 422-25
to shore by a storm called "black norther" and Roman soldiers
massacre them.
July 20 City of Jotapatra falls; 40,000 Jews are killed. War 3.7.3 336, 37
July 21 Josephus surrenders to Vespasian War 3.8.8 392
September 6 City of Tarichaeae falls; 1,200 Jews killed. War 3.10.10 539
September Vespasian has 1,200 old men killed in a stadium in Tiberius War 3.10.10 539
September In a sea battle on Lake Tiberius, Roman soldiers killed War 3.10.9 531
6,500 Jews. Revelation 16:3
October 21 City of Gamala falls; 9,000 Jews killed. War 4.1.10 80
November Three Roman soldiers collapse a tower at Gamala killing War 4.1.10 83
sentries in the tower Luke 13:4
68 C.E.
Great storm breaks out over Jerusalem and ends with an War 4.4.5 286,087
earthquake. Rev. 8:5; 16:18
Idumeans break into Jerusalem during storm; 8,500 War 4.5.1 312, 13
inhabitants slaughtered.
Zealots and Idumeans butcher 12,000 youths of noble birth War 4.5.3 332, 33
In the spring, 10,000 Jews are put to death at Betabris and
Along all the roads also vast numbers of dead bodies lay in War 4.6.3 380
heaps, and even many of those that were so zealous in
deserting, at length chose rather to perish within the city;
for the hopes of burial made death in their own city appear
of the two less terrible to them.
But Titus, by a divine impulse, sailed back from Greece and War 4.9.2 502
joined his father at Caesarea. Together they decided to Matthew 24:22
suspend the final assualt on Jerusalem.
In the winter, Vespasian gathers his forces at Caesarea for War 4.9.2 491
one final push the following year to destroy the Jews.
The years 68-69 C.E. are known as the "year of the four
February Ananus and Jesus are killed by rebels. Revelation 11:3
March 4 City of Gadara surrenders without a fight. War 4.7.3 413
April Galba and Vindex rebel against Nero
May Rhine legions defeat and kill Vindex in Gaul.
May 25 Vespasian arrives at Jericho War 4.8.1 450
June 8 Nero is declared a public enemy by the Roman senate.
June 9 Nero commits suicide. War 4.9.2 491
June 9 Galba assumes throne. War 4.9.2 498
June City of Jericho falls; 15,000 Jews killed War 4.7.5 435, 36
June 10,000 Jews are killed in the area of Idumea War 4.8.1 447
June Jerusalem is now isolated.
December Vitellius made commander in lower Germany by Roman
69 C.E.
January 1 Rhine legions refuse to swear loyalty to Galba.
January 15 Galba is killed by the Praetorian Guard the same day the War 4.9.2 499
senate recognizes Otho as emperor; served only 7 months.
January Otho assumes throne after Galba is killed. War 4.9.2 499
January Suetonius, Roman historian, is born.
February Vitellius is proclaimed emperor by Rhine legions.
April 14 Vitellius defeats Otho.
April 16 Otho commits suicide; Vitellius recognized as emperor.
June Vitellius' forces advance on Rome.
July 1 Vespasian, commander of the Roman army in Judea,
proclaimed emperor by the legions of Egypt under Tiberius
Julius Alexander.
July 17 Vitellius enters Rome.
August The Danubia (in Syria) announce support to Vespasian.
September Legions invade Italy in support of Vespasian.
October 24 Vespasian's forces defeat Vitellius' legions in second Battle
of Cremona.
December 20 Vitellius is killed by soldiers in the Imperial Palace.
December 21 Vespasian is recognized as emperor by Roman senate.
December The warring factions in Jerusalem burned each other's
food supplies causing a great famine in the city. War 5.1.4 24-26
70 C.E.
Yochanan ben Zakkai and other sages escape to Yavneh
to establish a new school and Sanhedrin.
At first richer people sold wheat for a high price and barley War 5.10.2 427
for double that rate. Revelation 6:6
People went mad for the want of food and began breaking War 5.10.2 424
into each other's houses in search of it.
So all hope of escaping was now cut off for the Jews. War 5.12.3 512, 13
Together with their liberty of going out of the city. Then did
the famine widen its progress, and devoured the people by
whole houses and families; the upper rooms were full of
women and children that were dying by famine; and the
lanes of the city were full of dead bodies of the aged;
While Manneus, the son of Lazarus, came running to Titus War 5.12.7 567
at this very time, and told him that there had been carried
out through the gate which was entrusted to his care, no
fewer than a hundred and fifteen thousand eight hundred
and eighty bodies.
After this man there ran away to Titus many of the eminent War 5.13.7 509
citizens, and told him the entire number of the poor that
were dead; and that no fewer than six hundred thousand
were thrown out at the gates, though still the number of the
rest could not be discovered.
John and his men melt down gold utensils in Temple to use War 5.13.6 562
as money for trade.
John divided the sacred oil and wine used for libation War 5.13.6 564, 65
offerings among his men. Revelation 6:6
April 14 Passover celebration; John Gischala enters the Temple. War 5.3.1 99
May 7 First wall taken War 5.7.2 302
May 29 Siege works finished War 5.11.4 466
June Titus had as many as 500 captives a day crucified in varying War 5.11.1 450
positions outside the walls as a terrible warning within.
July 2 Antonia Fortress falls War 6.1.6 63
June 30 Antonia Fortress attacked War 6.1.6 67
July 14 End of daily sacrifice War 6.2.1 94
Daniel 9:27
July Titus offers to move site of battle in order to save Temple. War 6.2.4 124
July 24 Western portico burns War 6.3.1 177
The famine became so terrible that a woman killed her baby War 6.3.4 201-08
boy, roasted and ate him.
August 5 Titus calls council of war to determine future of Temple War 6.4.3 236
August 6 Temple burns War 6.4.5,6 252
August 6 As for the seditious, they were in too great distress already War 6.4.6 259
to afford their assistance towards quenching the fire; they
were everywhere slain, and everywhere beaten; and for a
great part of the people, they were weak and without arms,
and had their throats cut wherever they were caught. Now,
round about the altar lay dead bodies heaped one upon
another as at the steps going up to it ran a great quantity of
their blood.
August 6 Titus commits the abomination of desolation for the third War 6.4.7 260
time in Jewish history. Daniel 9:27
August Yet was the misery itself more terrible than this disorder; for War 6.5.1 275
one would have thought that the hill itself, on which the
Temple stood, was seething hot, as full of fire on every part
of it, that the blood was larger in quantity than the fire, and
those that were slain more in number than those that slew
August A false prophet misleads 6,000 women and children to the War 6.5.2 283
top of the cloister in the outer court. The soldiers set it on
fire. All of them die in the fire.
August 16 Siege of Upper City War 6.8.1 374
Sept. 26 City of Jerusalem is captured War 6.8.5 407
September Now the number of those that were carried captive during War 6.9.3 420
this whole war was collected to be ninety-seven thousand;
as was the number of those that perished during the whole
siege eleven hundred thousand (1,100,000).
September The whole multitude of the Jews that were destroyed during War 6.9.3, note B
the entire seven years before this time, in all the countries
of and bordering Judea, is summed up by Archbishop Usher,
from Lipsius, out of Josephus, at the year of Christ 70, and
amounts to 1,337,490.
September Titus gave the order to dig up even the foundations of the War 7.1.1
September Soldiers take the Temple apart a stone at a time. War 7.5.2 112
Matthew 24:2
73 C.E.
March 31 Fall of Masada; 960 Jews commit murder/suicide. The War 7.9.1 400
First Jewish Revolt/Great Tribulation is over.
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